Twins' Age: 2 and a half
Can you name the story Sarah is "reading" to Darren? (Hand to heaven, she had that story memorized verbatim and could/would turn the pages at the right was fantastic. Lots of fun prodigy pranks played on the unwitting...)
Dive into your digital files -- or scan a favorite snapshot -- and play Way Back When-esday! Once you've done it, be sure and add your link below to share your reverie with fellow reminiscers.

It is Curious George, for sure. But I am not sure which one of the books. Such a cute pic!
Yup, definitely Curious George. :) That's so awesome that she'd "read" to Darren! How long did that last? Does she still read him stories?
of course it is curious george...which one though i have no clue! love the way she is reading from memory (lydia used to do that too, i adored it!) but has a look of compelte seriousness and concentration! and darren peeking into the page is so cute!
definitely curious george although it took me a minute! i love reading to alli and ryan, even if it is the same 3 books day after day that they pick out. i shuffle them back into the book shelf and they always pick the same three :)
have you ever read "i love you stinky face" to darren and sarah? that is one of our "daily 3" books- it is truly hysterical and so sweet at the same time!
Cute picture!!!
And yep that's George...the one where he goes to the hospital because he ate the puzzle piece. Naughty naughty!!
too cute! def. George though I'm not sure which story it is.
Love it! Reminds me of when I would read Curious George to my nephew and I would say "George was..." and he'd say "CURIOUS!" He would also say the man with the "lellow" hat.
I LOVE Way Back When-esday!!!
Cant miss Curious George, my brother was obsessed with him when he was little.
Thanks for the WBW Cheryl, I enjoy it. I also want to thank you for sending my Daughter Jess your book, she LOVES it.
Yep. Curious George!
My little guys are like that with Brown Bear and Goodnight Moon already. It's crazy how quickly they learn to memorize their favorite stories!
I just LOVE this picture! there is something ADORABLE about little guys reading books! SO darn cute! I love how intense they both are!!!!
They are so adorable, I totally miss that age.
Hey- I found some twin moms! I didn't even think to look on the blogoshpere, isn't that silly?
What a cute reminiscing idea. :D
hehe That is just too sweet! I have this sticky note on my computer reminding me to dig up an older photo next week and do this!
That is too much - the sister reading to her attentive brother! SO cute!
Indeed, it IS Curious George Goes to the Hospital -- memorized by Sarah for reasons related to a spate of hospital visits between 23and 27 months.
You all are GOOD!
She is just the smartest little cookie. We LOVE George at our house.
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