Yes Virginia, it does; but at 3AM, it sounds much more like a burglar crashing through a window. (There arose such a clatter, I rushed downstairs to see what was the matter. Probably because I'm the lightest sleeper...)
In true Christmas miracle form, few of our fragile ornaments were broken. The porcelain angel atop our tree (pictured below, before her "descent") merely chipped a wing. Her break was a clean one, and easily repaired with a healthy squirt of glue.
The kids got to decorate the tree twice -- twice the decorating equals twice the traditional Chex Mix. Double Daddy earned yet more of my admiration for his ability to resurrect the fallen Frasier (with a hidden twisted trunk) to an even more appealing angle -- with far greater stability (and no profanity).

Oh nooooooo!
oh my goodness!! That would have scared the bejeezums outta me! Glad it turned out okay :)
I'm a big fan of a little piece of wire around the trunk and tied to a teeny, permanent nail stuck in the window casing.
One tree falling while I was out to dinner is enough for anyone. I actually put everything away in disgust and had no tree for the rest of the season...
Merry Christmas,
My Goodness that would have scared the crap out of me!
Love the pic that Darren took!
your house is beautiful!
Oh my gosh! So glad no one was next to it when it fell... especially the kiddos! It looks beautiful!
oh no! I can only imagine the mess!! Glad not too much damage was done and it was able to be resurected!
Its a shame about the tree, but Darren does take a good picture!
I agree, great picture Darren.
I remember when our real tree fell when I was a was funny.
No profanity? I'm impressed!
oh no! thankfully most of the ornaments were saved!
You brave woman. I would have sent my husband, no doubt.
Glad everything was unscathed.
A) Sorry you had a tree fall.
B)Darren takes a nice picture!
C) One time my sister, Liz, decorated her huge beautiful tree using a magazine picture as a resource. It was beautiful. However, she totally forgot to water it-so uh- all of the needles quickly fell to the ground and she had to go buy another tree and re-decorate. The kids loved it.
I'm just glad no one was hurt!
Well that must have scared the crap out of you at 3AM. The kids probably loved getting to decorate twice.
OMG, that happened to us two years ago...tieing it up was the cure...we didn't break any ornaments but it left a NASTY scratch on our living room couch. SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh no! But more Chex Mix? I'll go with that one!
Why do these things happen in the dead of night? We had this happen one year and, oh my, what a mess. Ornaments, lights, needles, and not to mention gallons of water because my husband was very diligent about watering.
We managed to get it upright and then used TONS of fishing lines to stable it...really, we had to be careful how we approached the tree in fear that we would be decapitated from an unseen fishing line.
The next year we purchased a tree stand that reminded me of something you'd find in a medieval torture chamber . . . but it did work wonderfully.
Oh gosh!!! That actually happened to us one year. Now we have the tree stand that you drill a hole in the tree. Works GREAT. Wasn't cheap, but worth every penny.
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