A daughter so delighted by her daddy's circus-caliber skills that for nearly an hour she practiced tossing balls aloft in rapid succession. We were even treated to a pre-dinner demonstration last night.
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ahhh, it's the little things with kids, isn't it?
I wish it worked the same for adults!
how fun...I've never been able to juggle much - hooray for Sarah!
Just an FYI- Your Circuit City link doesn't work anymore...
Way To Go Sarah! Juggling isn't easy. Something I was never coordinated to do. :-)
Awwww, so cute!!!!!
Way to go. Joey loves to try and juggle...
That bodes well for Sarah that she's so easily entertained! I have a high-maintenance hubby, and it's wearing. I fear my son is going to be just like him, whereas my daughter seems to be more like me...easily amused (which bodes well for me, too.)
Am I the only one reporting trouble with loading your site?
And, have you had a chance to check out my new site? I changed my name and haven't seen you since. I know you are very busy right now, but just wanted to make sure you didn't lose me (or rather, I you!) :)
That is so fun. If anyone in my non-athletic family tried that, there would be broken bones.
So cute! I've always wanted to juggle but am just not coordinated enough!
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