Darren: "I want to have rug burns on my face."
Mommy: "What?"
Darren (irritated at my apparent ignorance): "At the face painting station. I want them to paint rug burns on my face."
Mommy: "You want them just to put big splotches of red all over your face? That's what rug burns look like."
Darren (more agitated); "NO! I want the rug burns that go from your ears down toward your mouth."
Mommy: "So you want them to paint lion or cat whiskers on your face?"
Darren (embarrassed for me at this point): "NO, mom. Rug burns like ELVIS had."
Mommy (with a bit of relief): : "Honey, those are side-burns."
Darren (with a bit of shame, under his breath): "Whatever."

oh my goodness. that is too funny! kids say such hilarious stuff sometimes :)
That's priceless!! Great story!
OMG that's hilarious...I prefer the warrior look as well.
That was hilarious! I love what kids say sometimes! I have to admit though I am MEAN mommy - no face painting around here. they have each done it once and thankfully neither liked the way it "felt" but it didn't matter because I told them each 1 time only then never again.
This made me laugh out loud! Thanks for sharing it. :-)
hysterical, i laughed out loud and everyone in the room looked at me like i was nuts :)
That's hilarious. I needed a good laugh!
I was thinking as reading, "Rug Burns???"
When I got to the end I was laughing out loud. Love it!!!
A.D.D. me wants to tell you that it's snowing right now,and the other me want to tell you that I love that little Darren.
OMGosh! So funny I had to read it outloud to Russ! LOL
I love how he was irritated with you for not knowing what he was talking about. Duh Mom.
That's too funny! Glad he went with the warrior look though..it fits him better.
LOL!!! That is tooo funny Cheryl!!!
LOL!!! OMGosh rug burns toooo funny and I liked the warrior motif
That's hysterical!!! How funny that he was getting irritated with you, like "geez, Mom, get with the program"!
That's so funny - I love when kids "mispronounce". My daughter used to call the move "Princess Diaries" "Princess Diarrhea"
LOL! That was great!
Nice pictures too. :)
I think I like the 'rug burn' designation--too cute!
omgosh! That is so cute Cheryl. It just gives me the giggles.
I will be playing along for Makes My Monday.
Happy Sunday!
Oh it is so cute when they get words just a little bit wrong.
I love kidspeak! My girls had quite a few, and they always make me smile to remember them!
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