Nine years later, my nightstand bears the presence of our "babies." He-Twin's passion for reading (he's currently devouring the Narnia series) has resulted in his completed copy of C.S. Lewis' The Magician's Nephew topping my "to-read" stack. Sarah, on a weekend craft-bender, designed the newest addition, the beautiful "Mommy" heart-shaped photo frame.
Babies on the nightstand---then and now---Make My Monday.
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Hi there! Oh, how I remember those nights! Waking up in sure panic, not knowing where or how you got there! Hoping the babies are where they should be! :-) Sleep makes a world of difference for sure!
Thanks Cheryl for letting me play along! Hope your Monday is great!
I love this post. You will really like the Magician's Nephew, I think. Much is explained about the other Narnia books. Scott's "babies on his nightstand" reminds me of a recurring dream I used to have while pregnant. I was a college student with a baby, no daddy. On my way to class, I would shrink the baby down and wind him/her into my lipstick tube, and then put the lid on it, explaining, "you'll be safe in here honey while mommy's at class," I always woke in a cold sweat!
Great post! I am a new follower. Thanks for hosting this hop!
Saved By Love Creations
I remember having the most bizarre dreams in those early sleep-deprived nights. I can totally relate to Double Daddy.
What sweet reminders of your twins to have at hand!
Great post! Love their choices.
Cute husband still comes out with some crazy talk in his sleep, sleep deprivation def helps with that!
Love this post! It amazing to see the transition from new parents to more "seasoned" parents. Our nightstand is finally blanket free, bottle free, and pacifier free....but not for long ;)
I just had to read this to my Double Daddy as he had MANY nights where he frantically woke up, searching the sheets and pushing me out of bed, certain that I was sleeping on top of them (even though they never slept in bed with us!). I think he was a bit relieved to hear he wasn't the only sleep deprived dad to do the same thing!
In those early days I frequently (while half-awake) would ask my husband to get a crying twin because I was holding the other. He would respond "You aren't holding a baby." And I (now fully awake and panicked) would frantically start searching through the covers or under the bed to figure out where the baby had gone! Never once had I been holding a baby, but the sleep deprivation of those early days plays tricks with your mind!
We were flinging blankets on a nightly basis when my boys were babies. One of us was always convinced that there was a baby in the bed. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
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