Monday, October 31, 2011

Makes My Monday: Very Gourdy

While the title sounds scandalously similar to the Motown mastermind's moniker, what truly Makes My Monday is our pair purging their pumpkins of their guts...without my assist! (Those who know me well know that hand-sullying is not my favorite past-time. When it comes to doughnuts, pizza, so-called "finger foods," I use a fork.)

Scrubbing the abundant orange globules from the front of the dishwasher, the walls, the counter...I'll take that duty any day!

Please comment or link up to share what Makes YOUR Monday! 

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Rebecca said...

I'm glad they spared you the gore...slime is not my friend either, but the Crazies refused to touch it.

Unknown said...

I don't mind the scooping (thankfully my kiddos WILL help as long as they have spoons/scoops) but I can't wait till they can help carve! My hand/wrist was so tired last night from carving 4 pumpkins! ha!