Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Way Back When-esday: Happy After Hurricane

Dateline: August 2011
Twins' Age: Their Last Week of Being 9

Hard to believe it's been nearly 3 years since Hurricane Irene did this little number to our house...

The smiles on the faces of the then-freshly displaced, the good friends that took us in, the wondrous generosity and acts of friendship that made that ten-and-a-half months of relocation not a hardship, but an awakening blessing, warm my heart this mid-week....

Play along with Way Back When-esday...looking back with love since 2007!

Dive into those digital files and share a photo find on your blog. On Facebook. Via Twitter. On Instagram. On Pinterest...whatever your social media venue(s) of choice.

Be sure to include the hashtags #WBW and #Twinfatuation in order to share in the virtual photo album reverie!

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1 comment:

Sharon said...

What a disaster! I hope no one in your family was hurt during that misfortune. The impact on your house looks bad, I hope you’re now fully recovered from all your losses during that calamity. Stay safe!

Sharon Strock @ Storm Chamber®