Monday, September 4, 2017

Big Kid Birthday Cakes...Times Two

a.k.a. The Chronology of Cakes---Coupled

Tomorrow, they’re sixteen. SIXTEEN. How can that possibly be?

The days---the years---of twindividually highlighting our twins’ childlike entertainments and interests atop their celebratory sweets are clearly over. (Impractical Jokers and Shark Tank are tough to translate into icing; don’t think I didn’t contemplate trying.)

No more Maisy mouse, Teen Titans, or Teletubbies, yet I cannot bring myself to adorn their cakes with age-appropriate driver’s licenses. Heckfire, I cannot even imagine them getting their driver’s licenses. (Thus putting to rest the widely-held assumption all moms welcome the cessation of Mom’s Taxi Service.)

We’ve rounded the thematic third base…from characters (e.g. Elmo, Count from Sesame Street, a Sendakian ‘Wild Thing’), to activities (e.g. fencing, tae kwon do, horseback riding, dance), now, to potential occupational aspirations. Tonight’s cakes feature the accoutrements of an actor and a doctor. (Of course, as a twin mama, it’s not lost on me both possible roles end in –tor.)
Whether they retain today’s goals and hopes, or down-the-road revise and re-evaluate, no doubt their Daddy and I will be proud---and will stand behind them every step of the way. post signature

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