Friday, February 23, 2018

...and so transpired He-Twin's and my "pick-up" text thread yesterday afternoon.

A robocall from the high-school principal last night indicated the police investigation revealed the firearm the toddler was carrying (Darren surmises 2 or 3 years old) was a toy (despite the absence of an orange tip and a very realistic-looking appearance). We are truly hopeful that was indeed the case. Classmates of Darren's saw a man being handcuffed and taken away by the police shortly after the "Code Green" was issued. Child neglect? Illegal weapon? We may never know.

What I DO know is things need to change. Our 2nd amendment guarantees the right to a "well-regulated militia." At this point, our dangerous lack of "regulation" prevents me---and the majority of Americans---from feeling "secure" in our Free State.

Please God, bless America---and grant us the courage and resolve to make things right.
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