Monday, March 4, 2019

Better Sight and Insight...

Last year, when our twins went through the process of procuring their driver's licenses, we discovered the disparity betwixt He-Twin's eyes' capabilities during the mandated vision test...

Test Administrator: "Place your forehead against the rest, and tell me what you see in the row on the left."

He-Twin: "What row on the left?" 

What followed was a spring break replete with visits back and forth between the DMV and the pediatric ophthalmologist in order to verify He-Twin's eyes work in concert with his brain to discern depth perception with 100% efficacy. He simply cannot achieve depth perception in simulated environments wherein his peripheral vision is eliminated (read: the DMV's vision test machine).

Flash forward to January 2019, at our well-kid visits---She-Twin's cover-one-eye-and-tell-us-what-you-see test showed a palpable "lack." A couple of weeks later, she came home from school with a form indicating she "failed" the at-school vision test.

Mom: "Did a lot of kids get these forms?"

She-Twin: "A few of us did, but all the others who got them already wear glasses."

Seems the mistakes of twin-mom oversight aren't limited to infancy/toddlerdom.

Last week, after an eye exam revealed 20/70 and 20/40 with significant astigmatism, She-Twin got her first pair of glasses...and she looks adorable.

Also worth noting, amidst our state's horrific confrontation of our elected leaders' past issues with blackface and other unacceptable behaviors, the city of Richmond (where we live, and the state's capital) voted to change the name of one of our major thoroughfares from "The Boulevard" to "Arthur Ashe Boulevard." 

Mom: "In light of all that's happened recently, I'm glad the bill to change Boulevard's name passed."

She-Twin (with conviction): "It would have been much better if they'd changed the name of Jefferson Davis Highway." 

Point well-taken. Sight of the eyes, and sight of the mind.

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Cheryl Allen Salinas said...

Great post -- GORGEOUS girl!! She looks great in glasses!

Cheryl Lage said...

You are so dear! (and I think she looks fantastic in them, too!)