Monday, June 29, 2020

Doctor Doctor

Since they were in-utero, Dr. Lora Christian has been their pediatrician.

Low-birth weights (twins, it's a thing), strep, croup, broken arm (x 2, but same twin), asthma, dysthymia, BPD, gastroparesis, optical issues...any and every concern, Dr. Christian has always been there, and made things better.

Now 18, and God-willing, heading off to college in the fall, meningitis boosters and over-all wellness checks for our two were in order. 

No tears for blood work pokes or immunizations. We've come a long way, My Babies.

Dr. Christian---a mom of twins herself---was gracious enough to compose the foreword to Twinspiration: Real-Life Advice from Pregnancy Through the First Year and Beyond. If you're looking for a tale of two twins' and their parents' earliest days, pick up a copy...available electronically or in paper, via your favorite book purveyor. 

Double Blessings----

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