Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Walk Away, Walk Away, I Will Follow...

Not so much walking away actually, but commenting. (Who can resist a U2 song reference?)

Such was the intent of incorporating this button (which I take no issue with by the way...I still believe it's a virtuous goal...)

on this blog when I was at long last committing to posting with regularity.

Much like when I was a waitron (oh yes, a waitron...when I did the gig, it was pre-usage of the now gender neutral and far less robotic term, "server."), as I attempted to implement my button declared mini-manifesto, alas I'd find myself behind on visiting...trying to catch up with numerous posts...not at all unpleasant. Well, that is until I would find myself 30 minutes deep into a blog (frequently laughing hysterically or sobbing uncontrollably) and realize other beloved blogs were unattended to -- their masterfully-composed meals complete and patiently awaiting the dessert of comments that I was grossly delayed in doling out. Shoot, I was even supposed to be bringing some covered dishes to blog pot-lucks that frequently due to my feeble over-extension went appetizer or side-dish free.

The guilt began...and continued. Until today.

Today, ThreeUnderTwo of Lit and Laundry has opined on a new blogging philosophy:
In all likelihood, things to regular readers and response-receivers will appear unchanged. But my mindset is more manageable. At the risk of proseltyzing a smidge, join us in focusing on the fun -- and not the "failures" -- won't you?

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Anonymous said...

Sounds perfect!

Gail said...

I like the idea of blogging guilt free. :) Of course, that's what lurking has always been for, but some of us do try to come out of that in the end.

I love your blog by the way, it's what inspired me to try my hand at my own.

Maternal Mirth said...

Sometimes blogging is a full-time job in and of itself, but I like this job waaaaaay better than my real one :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I can try...

Jamie said...

So true, so true!!!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree!

Christy said...

I have always been a big fan of blogging guilt free. I blog for me... then if someone happens to read it or find it funny... well, that is just the sprinkles on my ice cream! I love your blog, and way back when-sdays! Keep up the good work and blog away!

MereCat said...

I'm in. Got my button and everything.

Threeundertwo said...

Doesn't it feel great? I visit and comment as much as I can now, but I don't stress over all the million blogs I don't visit.