Dirty fingernails
Are not really a costume
Try Again, Mama.
No unwrapped for you
I love you, so safety first
I’ll eat it later.
“Trick or Treat” gone wrong
“Smell my feet?” Don’t dare try it
If you want candy.
No matter how cute
You forget to say “Thank you”
I can be a witch

Go ahead, say "Boo!"
For Yuktoberfest, the goal
Pen a line, or three!

I like the "smell my feet" one . . . I remember that little rhyme all too well.
Love that photo. When my boys were little, they were more interested in PLAYING with the candy than with EATING the candy. They have since figured it out.
Haahaaaha! These are awesome!
I think I would need a whole bunch more coffee to even begin to compose!
Love these! The "thank you" one reminded me that when Fiver was smaller, he used to say:
"Trick or treat! Thanks! Love you!"
at every single house :) He got way more candy than the rest of them!
LOL! Those are awesome. I think I like the smell my feet one the best. *grin*
Cute picture and great lines!
Beautiful Bad Haikus!
These are great! I must be getting old, though... It took me a minute to catch onto the "smell my feet" thing.
winners are up.
Ha, love that dirty fingernails one.
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