Twins' Age: 15 Months
As is often the way with multiples, one will relax while the other reacts! This was Darren and Sarah's first official "lap sit" with Santa (the one Twinspiration readers may recall as regrettable instance wherein I entirely neglected to consider Daddy might want to be along for the moment).
As is often the way with multiples, one will relax while the other reacts! This was Darren and Sarah's first official "lap sit" with Santa (the one Twinspiration readers may recall as regrettable instance wherein I entirely neglected to consider Daddy might want to be along for the moment).
Interestingly enough, a recent publication cites a theory that "one of every two children is terrified of Santa." In our small scale experiment, we seem to have offered some support to the hypothesis!
What was I reading you ask, and what text have I not been able to keep out of my -- or my kids' -- hands for the past week?
What was I reading you ask, and what text have I not been able to keep out of my -- or my kids' -- hands for the past week?

Would you like to win a copy (one of FIVE)? Play along with Way Back When-esday this week!
Post a favorite image of your family from "Way Back," link back to us here, and share in the fun.
This week, more than ever, be sure to leave a comment sharing who (if anyone) in your household is "Scared of Santa."
Random.org will select 5 winners from the pool of commenters first thing Thursday morning.
Good luck!

Good morning!
I think each and everyone of my children were scared of Santa at some point. I have various pics of all the kids looking at the man in red with suspision and awe. I however am not so good at using the scanner. I posted a pic of Abby on Santa's lap...and boy was she scared.
great pic of your children
Francie has always gone to Santa and made herself comfortable.
Fiver has just gotten comfortable with Santa this year.
Sally shoots him dirty looks and Bun drools on him. I'm not sure if that's good or bad :)
Precious picture!
The girls are STILL scared of Santa! This year, I had to sit in the sleigh with Santa just to get them up there.
Maybe next year!
Cute picture! The little miss did fine the first time around but refused the year after. I had to hold her next to Santa.
Aww, the law of twins! It's so hard to capture them both with smiles!
My boys have never seen Santa, so no reactions to speak of!
I linked to our Santa picture from last year. CLASSIC. It really could have made the book.
OMG - that is hilarious!
And what a cool lookin' Santa you found for that photo. Must have been the real one instead of one of those "helpers" :)
And I almost forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love it. I love crying babies on santa's lap. our first visit to santa looks just like this pic. this year went a little better. no smiles, but no crying either..hehe
FANTASTIC! How funny is that book!?! LOVE it!
Last year's pic (which I have chosen as my Friday Foto) shows a not too happy Will FREAKING out, while Emma is just staring at the man in red ;)
Out of the nine kids, 5 have had their terrified moments.
Out of my 70+ foster kids, couldn't tell you how many of them hated poor Santa, and all he was trying to do was give them a candy cane. LOL
Oh this year will be our crying on santa's lap year. Your picture is very cute!
That just cracks me up. It's hilarious and the look on Santa's face cracks me up too.
The first time I put Andrew in Santa's lap he cried. And it cracked me up and the other lady's that were there with their kids as well cuz their kids were crying too.
And the pic of your kids on Santa's lap is just adorable. I'm guessing it was their first Santa lap visit?? Andrew did the exact same thing.
Have a good day!
We were thinking a like yesterday....
The photo is adorable!!! My photo looks almost the same :)
haha, that is too funny! lydia always hated anything in a costume...and i have a feeling the little ones will be the same way!
How cute! It's funny how they reacted so differently. That book looks hilarious. I just happened to have a relevant photo from last year. I wonder what Suzi is going to do when we take her tomorrow night. Either way, it'll be cute I guess :-)
Darren and Sarah look pretty cool with Santa for the most part in their picture. I think we are really in for it tomorrow with ours. We have been talking about Santa and watching last year's little video we shot hoping that it will tame them a little bit, but, I think it's going to be totally ridiculous.
I have now appeared in the last two out of three Santa pics with my daughter. I always come dressed and ready to go, just in case. I hope one day I'll get a picture without me in it!
very cute.
We still do not have any pictures with Santa. We tried last year and this year and they want to nothing to do with him. They see him from a distance and wave and when it comes to getting closee uhuh not happening.
That's about what my photo will look like this year, plus their big sister smiling away someplace in there.
Oh that book looks great! I wish I had a pic to share!
The book looks great! Last year when we took the boys they were just over a year old and Ethan was freaked out but Cohen just stared at him. This year when we took them there was only crying because Cohen wanted to sit in the cool car that was beside Santa. Ethan just kept looking at him with a big pouty lip as if he was going to cry at any second!
Great theme for this time of year! Last year was no fun with Santa (as evidenced by our photo) but here's hoping this year goes better.
I think that the whole sit on Sanata's lap thing is the strangest tradition! Where did this come from?!?!
I sure hope our playing along still qualifies even though its not a Scared Santa photo! I'll have to post those next week. Our first Santa encounter was just like this too - J was SCREAMING and beet red with terror while S was just like "What's wrong? I'm ok? Aren't you OK?" We visited Santa a second time a week later and that time - BOTH of them screamed! haha! meanie mommy I am!
I wonder what Santa would do with triplets? Maybe we'll wait until next year to find out.:)
too funny!
that book looks great!
I think most my kids were afraid of santa..at one time or another!
There is not one picture of me with Santa, I was terrified. I share her sentiments!
Hi Happy Birthday! I always knew we had some connection, apart from just raising twins!
Oh shoot, I just saw this and my Thursday post is already up. I have got to get that book! I saw some of those pictures on the web a while back and they're hilarious.
I totally forgot to come over and visit Mr. Linky yesterday, but I did participate. I swear I did!!!
k i joined...haven't done one yet...so next wednesday. thanks. fun idea...
I just now read your post... LOVE the picture of the twins with Santa! I've got some great pictures of Hannah when she was scared.... she wouldn't even go near him, instead stayed as far away as she could! It was a hoot! I love seeing little ones who are scared of Santa.. may have to get the book this weekend!
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