Last year, Darren and Sarah both participated in their school musical, Aladdin. Sarah will be in this year's production, Pinocchio; Darren elected to be a "judge" for the try-outs instead.
So as we wrapped a full-family viewing of "Ninja Warrior" on G4 (seriously, that show is an inspiring demonstration of athletic prowess, physical determination, family support and phenomenal sportsmanship...topped with a fun smattering of effusive Japanese commentary with captions. Dare we hope to pick up a little?), the TV remained on as Double Daddy hopped onto the computer and I headed to the kitchen (an acknowledged odd role-reversal).
Within a few minutes, we realized the G4 programmers had scheduled a Bruce Lee martial arts classic as the follow-up to "Ninja Warrior." With some concern, we monitored the kids' enthusiastic viewing -- there were some female practitioners amidst the melees, holding their own with guts and grace. After 10-15 minutes, as we turned off the TV and sat down to eat...
Darren: "Now THAT should be the school musical next year!"

He's now a proud Blue Belt.

Handsome little blue belt!
He is soo cute in his gee. Im not sure of the spelling on that!
Love and Prayers,
that is awesome that he has a blue belt. i love that he turned ninja into theater :)
That's a great picture. He totally seems like he has a handle on the art. I'm really impressed. Don't know about the belt color and all, but he has the right moves to be totally convincing. And, don't tell him this, but he's totally adorable! Or tell him, if you think he'd like that from an old lady, it's okay with me. ;-)
My son would think Darren is the coolest kid ever in that karate outfit. Wait can I call it an outfit or is that not cool?
A TOTAL boy! That's what he is! :)
I agree with Darren - he would get the part for sure! Great pictures!!!
You'll have to tell us what the director of your musicals says when he approaches him/her about his idea!!!
HAHAHAH! Oh man, if that's next year's musical - let me know. I wanna see it *grin*
Oh yeah, all the little boys would love that musical!
Congrats on the blue belt Darren.
Way to go, Darren! Your pose is AWESOME!
I wouldn't mess with him!
Oh wow, cool Darren.
Oh wow, cool Darren.
A blue belt... that's awesome!
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