While haphazardly tidying up, I came upon the kids' memory verse study sheet from this past Sunday...

Literal Biblical interpretation has never been my preferred mode nor my personal conviction; I find the scriptural texts far more compelling and truth-pointing when read fully aware of their historical context and appreciative of their power of analogy. (Parables worked for Jesus' original audience; they work for me.)
However, with Lent looming large, should I take heed of this not-so-subtle sacred hint to "pick up my mat and walk?" Hmmm....maybe I need to be more open-minded and receptive to slap-me-in-the-face cues.
Are you pondering a behavioral adjustment or spiritual pursuit this season? Do tell....
Honestly, you can't possibly know how timely this is for me. I am dealing with a newly-diagnosed chronic illness for which I just spent 4.5 days in the hospital and will likely have future problems with...long story. But, I was just saying to Wil this morning that I can't sit around waiting for the next bout of it and worrying about every pain or twinge I feel. I need to "GET UP!" (Well, after I'm fully recovered that is.)
The simplicity of the truth is great and timely. Thanks!
I always say, "so many people ask for a sign from God while he was providing them all along"...we just don't see it becuase it's often not the sign we want.
Great post. I am doing something as well to share the things we call miracles that are just the ways in which he moves often against the laws of nature in our lives when we allow it.
I just posted my story, and I will be posting others very soon. Go check it out at Fort Thompson when you get a chance.
Love and Prayers,
I am doing the Love Dare...I am on a mission
I don't normally give up anything for Lent, BUT I think I will be trying out the 30 Day Shred here pretty soon. Since I'm horrible at getting active I guess it will sort of be like giving something up: my laziness.
I call them whispers, and if you don't listen....
I will have to look at my Bible verse for my class this Sunday and see which one it is.....
That was a great find for you though....
*Every time I want to be irritated with someone, I am going to look them in the eye and say to myself "I see God in you."
I've already tried it- and it makes me nicer.
* Extra Church
*Extra visits with Dad
*Extra gestures to my loving spouse.
*Extra time praying for others.
Extra time making myself strong and fit.
*Less junk in my body
*Less bad words
Like you, I can't do a strict and literal interpretation. I have to put into the context of when it was written too.
I need to pick up my mat too but I'm not really sure where I'm going!!
Maybe God knew you'r post it on here, and it was meant for someone else...
Maybe God knew you'r post it on here, and it was meant for someone else...
I'm doing both . . .
On the spiritual level, I will be going to Mass more often than just Sunday, I will continue with my daily Rosary, and I want to add more spiritual reading to my repertoire.
On the behavioral level, I am - GULP!- closing comments on my blog for the duration of Lent. I hope that people will stick with me through it all, and be there when I re-open the comments at Easter!
I have to drag myself away from my addiction to the ego-stroking and focus on why I write what I do in the first place.
A little less navel-gazing is in order for me this Lent.
(But I will still have my email open to anyone who wants to drop by ;)
I always give up something for Lent, usually something that is really hard. This year it should actually be blogging, but I don't think I will survive on that.
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