Darren's Age: Nearly 4
[as was his sister]
Right before the twins' 4th birthday, my mother and father-in-law generously gave us their week of timeshare in Hilton Head. We rented a van, and spent a glorious 6 days...just the four of us together.
Who could have predicted the most memorable aspects were amongst the simplest? A week-long friendship with "Mr. Arnie and Mrs. Elaine" across the hall, coloring side-by-side at the living room coffee table, getting groceries from a walking distance Piggly Wiggly, a diner booth game of hand-stacking with Daddy. The rapt adoration on Darren's face says it all.
What image or story from "Way Back" is well-imprinted on your mind's eye? Share it on your blog, and with us! Be sure to go visit others participating for the web-wide weekly reverie.

Oh yes, a holiday with just the little family is priceless. What a stunning memory and photo.
That IS a fun game....not like we still play that at 24 and 26 years old....but you know.
Hilton Head sounds so.....warm, and un-snowy, and like a great family spot!
PS- how's the new job going?
The simplest things are almost always the most memorable. Especially to our kids:)
Wait...what??? What Job? I must have missed some news somewhere. I'll have to hunt back and see what I missed.
Great picture--captures a sweet moment!
Oh how I love the simple memories!
Such a sweet, adoring look on his face! The week long trip sounds wonderful! Hopefully we can get a vacation in this summer with all 3 lil ones...but we're till at that stage where its not much of a 'vacation' with 3 lil ones in tow! haha!
what a sweet look. And a great game. I remember playing that all the time with my dad. I've tried to teaching the boys but they dont quite the point yet.
That is such a precious photo! The look on Darren's face ios absolutely priceless :)
What a wonderful Whens-day memory!
Thanks for sharing!
Great picture! Great memories of a great trip!
there are so many I would have to think about that. Sounds like a wonderful trip for your family!
Oh look how he is smiling up at his dad! So cute!
How sweet. I love how the real memories of any time spent together always come from the unexpected things.
How awesome! That sounded like you all had a very nice vacation. Don't you just love those memories!? And it's always the little things that stick out in your mind about it. How special, great memory to have!
Take care!! ;0)
WOW...i bet it was a wonderful vacation!!
Love the picture of your two boys!!! :)
Such a great photo of DD and Darren!
I think your husband looks just as inspired!
He is such a great Dad. And you can tell Darren adores his Daddy!
Happy Way Back!!
Aww! What a great daddy!
Oh look at that face!! Definitely says it all :)
Awwww, I just love that picture! Darren has such a look of admiration and love for his father...just precious!!!
I hear Hilton Head is gorgeous!!! Definitely one of the places I'd love to visit with our kids someday!
Awwwww It's true, kids love simple & those are the memories that mean the most.
i love the moments like that imprinted in our memories. so sweet.
Moments like that are truly the best! The picture says it all, they adore one another.
Long time lurker finally participating. I really enjoy reading your blog and it was so much fun to go back a few years and find pics of my kids at 8 weeks! Thanks!
Sweet, I love looking back!
Adorable photo! Sounds like a wonderful trip!
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