Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thanks from Thing 1 & Thing 2

Our neighbors, Mrs. Laura and Mr. Steve, lavish affection---and gifts---upon Sarah and Darren. Yesterday, when opening the front door to run errands, on the doorstep were huge Easter bags, complete with chocolate bunnies and precious summer togs for our two.

Before heading out for afternoon fun today, I tasked the twins to compose their own thanks without dictation or wording suggestions (and to share the space afforded them) in the card below.

Sarah's determination to spell her gratitude without asking for assistance, plus Darren's "Ms. Lora + Mr. Steve = Happy Darren" have thoroughly warmed my heart cockles this Saturday.

Think the good Dr. Seuss (and Hallmark) would be pretty pleased as well.
post signature


Maria (also Bia) said...

I want a Mrs. Laura and a Mr. Steve!

Nancy said...

Too funny! I just put up a "thanks" post as well...

Your kids are just awesome.

Can't wait until my two can take advantage of the written version more. :)

cat said...

OH that is adorable. We used to have neighbours like that! Wish they were still around. BTW we love the Dr. Z.

Anonymous said...

That makes me tear up, its so darn sweet!

Dana said...

So cute! I had a neighbor like that, Mr. Tony and Ms. Angie. They always brought me Barbie Dolls. I never expected it, but they always did it. It was great.

Terra said...

FANTASTIC! I love the "make us feel special" that is VERY special

debi9kids said...

OH how cute! I love Darren's faces. Very sweet and so darn cute!

Warmed my heart too!

Annie said...

So sweet. You have a great neighboors.

Jen said...

That is the sweetest thank you note I have ever seen! Mrs. Laura & Mr. Steve sound like wonderful neighbors... glad the kids have them around!

Cynthia said...

Oh, thank you for sharing this! So great!