Twins' Age: 3 and a half
The sun in their eyes and the smiles on their faces warm my heart this Way Back When-esday.
Bet you can find a picture that makes your mid-week marvelous; share it---play along! Dive into those digital photos or scan a scrapbook find and blog a bit this Way Back When-esday.
This week, courtesy of (if you live in the continental U.S.), you could win an item they let me pick! [Seriously, giveaway or no, they've got fabulous contemporary stuff, including Stokke Sleepi ...go check 'em out.]
Sooooooo...leave a comment and you'll be entered to win this adorable Woody Click Farm Building Block set (valued at $99). Play along by adding your WBW to the linky below, be entered twice. Add a second comment with another item you like from AllModernBaby? You guessed it: You are entered thrice. Good luck, and looking forward to going "Way Back" with you!
Sooooooo...leave a comment and you'll be entered to win this adorable Woody Click Farm Building Block set (valued at $99). Play along by adding your WBW to the linky below, be entered twice. Add a second comment with another item you like from AllModernBaby? You guessed it: You are entered thrice. Good luck, and looking forward to going "Way Back" with you!

Great picture! They have the exact same expression. Very twinnish. I'm playing Way Back this week!
LOL! I am certain I have some photos of my kids with their eyes squinting too. heehee
Happy WBW!
ps I LOVE the items from allmodernbaby! I have never heard of them before, but really cool stuff! LOVE the playsets, esp. the grocery store! Very cute!
I love eye squinting pictures! So cute & precious!
Love Darren's big cheesy smile!
OH! I love the bikes they have on there. I've heard good things about balance bikes. We were meaning to buy the kids new bikes this summer and never got around to it!
Love their happy faces.
What a cute pic!
cute picture.
I love those over expressive smiles that cause squinting pictures.
Neat Website. I have never heard of them until your post. Pretty neat stuff. The playsets are cool.
nice to look forward to spring sunshine as we get ready for fall!
Great picture! Love the eye squinting! Have a great day!
Have I told you lately that your kids are super cute?? Another great photo :)
OMG, they have some really adorable stuff! I know it seems like "cheating" but I was immediately drawn in by those Eames Children's Elephants! My kids would *LOVE* those :)
Super cute picture! Looks like they're saying "CHEEEEEESE"! Happy WBW!
Great picture!! I'm playing this for the first time this week. :)
They are so cute - makes me think of all the fun times my twins and I have ahead of us!
Adorable pic!
I looove the Eames Elephants! But back to reality...I'd love to get my girls some of the blocks they offer, like the ones from notNeutral.
Love them, love the sunshiny faces! Love the contests too! You knew we'd play along.
Okay the cool bikes at allmodernbaby are on our wish list now! thanks for sharing.
I just love those squinty-eyed smiles! My duo has just started doing those...that and giving me great views straight up their nostrils!
OMGoodness! Those blocks at All Modern Baby are a must have - especially the Sea World ones...too cute! Thank goodness the twins' b-day is in a couple of months!
I want to pick those little guys up and SQUEEZE them.
Oh boo hoo - I'm so sad I was running around all day yesterday and didn't have a chance to get my WBW post up! I have a perfect one ready to go and just haven't scanned in my pic yet...maybe next week. Please enter me in this fantastic contest!
I'm thankful for old's amazing how quickly they grow and how fast you forget the little things. this picture.
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