Thursday, September 30, 2010

Going with the Flow

Rumor has it that runners---when others (e.g. people like me who find long walks exhausting) would collapse in pain---hit a euphoric stride, a tipping point wherein "tired" teeters into total focus. Flow.

Studies now reveal that other activities lend themselves to equally (and in my view, far more pleasurable) entrancing immersion. Practices that by their simple, voluntary, prolonged pursuit provide a sense of continuity, progress, accomplishment and perhaps even healthy, intentionally out-of-the-fray escape.

After receiving the September Fishful Thinking newsletter wherein the amazing Dr. Karen Reivich extolled the value of encouraging "flow" with our families, rather than simply appreciating the calm of quiet moments in our twin-blessed household, I've looked up from my laptop (where I often find some personal "flow!") to discover my little ones engrossed. Happy. Tuned in--of their own volition--without parental "force."

Whether it's writing or reading (and not always in 3-D!), drawing or dancing, take a moment this week to acknowledge the activities---predictable or unexpected---that absorb your little ones...and YOU! (Me, I'm fond of the the stress-relief provided by polishing my fingernails. How could you chart your "flow?" Do tell!)
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Meagan Halquist said...

Making and baking cookies from scratch. The repetitive motion of scooping the dough and placing it on the pan is where I find my "flow." Oh, the tasty cookie reward ins't bad either ;)

Claremont First Ward said...

I'm totally going to take notice of this:

"Whether it's writing or reading (and not always in 3-D!), drawing or dancing, take a moment this week to acknowledge the activities---predictable or unexpected---that absorb your little ones...and YOU!"


cat said...

If the gong gets tough the tough goes baking. Or reading.

It use o be yoga though but I can not find that level of flow with the kids around.

Julia said...

My five year old goes into a zone when he is creating with his legos. Like peaceful content. I have yet to find my fours year old zone.