Twins' Age: 5
With a beloved guest on the way, the kids set up a greeting group of their much-loved entourage. Can you find some of your favorites in the menagerie?
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Dive into those digital photos or scan a scrapbook find. Tell the tale and place a post on your blog. Be sure and link back to participate in the web-wide reverie...and leave a comment when you do!

That's quite a collection of stuffed animals! Cute pic of the kids...I love your daughter's hair cut in it!
I see a bert and a curious george....I am in, can I come over to play?
I love it - what a way to say welcome!
I spot Uniqua from the Backyardigans : )
Oh my Gosh! The Swedish Chef! Love him, not quite sure why though...
Rolie Polie Olie!! My kids would come play in a heart beat. My daughter ♥'s stuffed animals...I have to clean her stash out about once a month!
I see Miss Piggie, too! It's like a pile of memories! Love it!
what fun!!
the smiles are especially welcoming : )
I completely agree... what a collection! Love their little grins!
His collection seems to be about 3x the size of hers. What up?
Great picture. My mom has a great picture of my little sister with all her suffed animals around her. I think she was under 1 at the time and is now 18.
what a fun picture
looks like LOTS of fun! (and it just gave me an idea for a hiding spot for our elves!! ha!)
Love that Curious George is right there in the middle. He's a favorite in our house. Don't you find that "stuffies" as we call them, seem to reproduce? No matter how many I try to give away, more appear.
What a sweet picture! My kids love their stuffed friends as well! What a welcome for your visitor.
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