What an unforeseeable stroke of blessing that after both Double Daddy's employer of nearly 15 years, and my freelance web copywriting from home gig went belly-up in the self-same month, I was offered a job at The Martin Agency.
You may not be familiar with the advertising agency's name, but you've undoubtedly seen their work: The Geico gecko. Walmart. Pizza Hut. UPS. Discover Card. The American Cancer Society. Virginia is for Lovers. (Those are a surface-scratching at best....).
Greater, more memorable, more respect-deserving than any single campaign, the man at the creative helm for so many years, Mike Hughes.
Now, after a courageous, medical community-defying duration of living with Stage IV lung cancer, Mr. Hughes is wrapping his fight with inspiring grace and dignity galore.
Read his blog. Read the words of those who love him and are letting him know.
Cancer never really wins.

What a nice tribute.
WOnderful tribute Cheryl - and love the double's poster
How lucky we are to know him!
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