Friday, January 3, 2014

Four for '14

Although typically a card-carrying traditionalist, last year at this time I openly conveyed my contempt for the New Year’s practice of resolution-making.

If tween twin parenting has taught me anything in 2013, it’s the need for judicious flexibility. So as a new year’s resolution neophyte, coming up with---and sticking to---fourteen goals for the new year sounds too daunting. Dipping a toe in, here are my four easily mantra-ed maternal mandates:

This year, I will... 

Hangar my helicopter. 
Protection is one thing; preventing mistakes that provide valuable life lessons is something else entirely. Resolving to stand by and hug as needed.

Document my darlings. 
Baby books focus on the early milestones---doubt the achievements and worthwhile moments end at age twelve.

Encourage expression and learn to listen. 
They may say a lot of things that are hard to hear, but they need to communicate openly…and to know that they’ll be heard.

The dust can gather. The sheets can go unchanged a little longer. We can watch another 30 minutes of Spongebob Squarepants. We can laugh longer at the dinner table; the dishes can wait. We can color a little longer and skate a little longer and play ping pong a little longer and stretch on the floor and pet the dog a little longer. Next year, when we reflect on the year gone by, those are the times we’ll want to remember.

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