Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Way Back When-esday - Towering Examples

Dateline: October 5, 2006
Twins' Age: 5 years and 1 month

Preoccupied with presidential history since they were wee toddlers, a trip to the now-defunct Presidents Park in Williamsburg was a no-brainer.

Along with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln was one of Sarah's favorite American leaders.

And Darren's preferred president? Was then, and pretty sure still is now, Chester Arthur. No doubt initially drawn in by his wondrous whiskers, a little bit of further research revealed an amazing, level-headed leader.

Amidst this contentious election season, looking back at my little ones' reverence and respect for the office warms my heart this mid-week.

Did you realize Twinfatuation was the originating host of Way Back When-esday?

We've been looking back with love since 2007... so please join in, play along!

Dive into those digital files and share a photo find on your blog and/or on our the new Twinfatuation Facebook Community Page...and encourage fellow moms to do the same! 

One lucky participant this week will win a signed copy of the new Twinspiration: Real-Life Advice from Pregnancy through the First Year and Beyond, so join in the fun! 
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