Tuesday, January 9, 2018


After three days off from school (sandwiching a weekend even!), Monday evening, with the near 100% likelihood of a return to academic rigor Tuesday, a polite request for a pair of thematically apropos Dairy Queen Blizzards was issued.

Thank-you notes had been written...

The dishwasher had been emptied (and loaded---which apparently, is an additional "chore"), the house had been vacuumed. 

Heck, they even offered up not only blog post permission (unheard of in teen-dom), but suggested a few alliterative title options. Who am I to say no?

Cookie-dough (She-Twin) and Reese's (He-Twin) were the winning flavors after some deliberation.

Before leaving, the ceiling-mounted TV began sharing the news of delayed openings for more rural counties.

The sheen on the road outside the window should have been an indication that a two-hour delay might not be the end-assessment...

Alas, when I went to "Good Morning" my science-loving, early-rising daughter that at last, she'd be back in class today,

with sadness, she shared the full-day closure decision had been made. Black ice.

Holding out hope for tomorrow, My Sweets. (and if not, more Blizzards may be in order....)

Stay warm and safe, My Friends!

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