Monday, August 17, 2020

Fly Little Bird

With our assigned "Orange" dashboard sign in-place, we hit the road Friday to move She-Twin into her dorm at William & Mary.

On the way, a quick pop-over to VCU to drop off a TI-84 and some mail to He-Twin. A send-off hug---and mom-mandated photo----was in order. 

Within the hour, our trusty 2004 Honda Odyssey was making its way through the cheerful Orientation Aide phalanx en route to W&M's Lemon Hall.

With his trusty measuring tape in hand, Double Daddy was immediately assessing furniture re-arrangement options to maximize the room's full potential.
Before we knew it, our 2-hour-window was closing, and a socially distanced hall meeting was called. 
A quick hug, and two of us were on the way home....

She's ready. We're proud.

Love you, Precious Girl. Show 'em what you've got.


Little MoMo said...

I've been thinking about you new empty nesters. Hope y'all are adjusting and that my He and She Munchkins have a wonderful year!

Cheryl Lage said...

Thank you so much, Mona! <3