News is not good: At the time of this typing, with friends already cast, it's looking less and less likely She-Twin will be offered a role in Virginia Repertory Theatre's production of Madeline's Christmas.
News is good: She-Twin demonstrated callback-worthy capability on a large local/regional scale, and her confidence was justly bolstered.
News is not good: She-Twin has now learned the valuable truth, that doing her best doesn't always guarantee the desired end result.
News is good: She is fully aware doing her best is still always her best chance at achieving that desired result.
News is not good: She is still---understandably---sad.
News is good: She-Twin knows she did well. She-Twin had a phenomenal experience in auditions and callbacks. When opportunity presents, She-Twin is willing to try again.
And here I thought I'd be proud if she got a part...
Awesome lessons, for sure. I know it's hard to stomach not getting something you really want, but big kudos to her (and you!) for appreciating the experience and seeing the bigger picture. :)
What a sad face!! Such a tough lesson to learn already. Definitely hoping it doesn't break her spirit. Good luck to your star...a star in her own league!
Oh, it's such a hard lesson to learn! Poor kid. I hope she finds a good way to work through the disappointment and get back on the figurative horse. She should absolutely be proud that she put herself out there! Way to be bold, girl!
Oh lifes lessons - sometimes so hard to take but oh so important to take. She twin does it well, she mom does it even better!
Awh, we struggle with the same with the Princess. She wants to get the best results for drama, only A++ will be good enough. Sadly she has to settle for an A+. But it is the life lessons that are important.
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