Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Ferris Bueller was a Hack

Of course, he was at a disadvantage.

On a day with no school, Ferris actively dodged his dad in order to have a day cram-packed with glee of all kinds.

On the last day of sophomore Spring Break, Darren and Sarah wisely maximized their Double Daddy's capacity for action-packed adventure. The morning kicked off with a VO record here in RVA (Richmond, VA)...

Then, into the car for a couple hours to Virginia Beach for much-loved breakfast food at The Log Cabin Pancake House...

and when you're so close, you must see the ocean.

When the twins were wee, they had a penchant for all things presidential. Williamsburg (conveniently located between Virginia Beach and Richmond) used to be home to Presidents' Park, a walkable attraction with enormous busts of the U.S. Presidents...from George Washington to George W. Bush.

Barack Obama's head had just been designed (and not yet sculpted) when the under-attended park went out of business.

Back then, Abraham Lincoln was one of She-Twin's favorites...

and Chester Arthur, He-Twin's.

Now, the defunct attraction's busts reside in an open field on a farmer's back lot...not open to the public.

That didn't stop our intrepid, trekking (not-to-mention, trespassing) trio from locating the decaying statues, and from reuniting with former favorites.

To quote Ferris, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

That day, our two didn't miss a thing. Thanks, Daddy.

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