Pastor Carolyn: "Please let's remember Mrs. C in our prayers. Her nephew and his wife were hiking in Utah and were tragically killed in a flash flood."
Darren (whispering): "They were killed in a flash what?"
Mommy (whispering back): "A flash flood, Honey. They were far away from buildings and people and sadly, they were killed."
[Approximately 5 minutes later: Following the Passing of the Peace, opening hymn and prayer, and right before a reading from the Bible...]
Darren (still whispering, but with sincere conviction): "It's really nice that they were together."
So as we pray for Mrs. C who's grieving today, we're also offering thanks for the blessing that 'they were together.' Amen.

How very sad!
This Sunday we got bad news in church too. One of our member's was killed in a fire...but she was able to save her kids.
I'm still thinking about it.
Omigosh, how awful Giovanna! Of course you're still thinking about it. Bless her -- and her children.
How insightful of Darren. It's amazing what they get. I also love your zoo pics below. My son would go crazy if he saw that elephant. He just discovered elephants and is bats over them.
That Darren, how empathetic to be able to put himself in that frame of mind. Your darlings always amaze me.
That is deep and very true. Offering a little prayer for the repose of their souls.
Darren is one awesome kid.
What a sweet, thoughtful boy he is.
What a HUGE heart he has.
Thanks for commenting on my Mad Men review. I LOVE it that you LOVE it, too! And yes, the set design is incredible. I wish I could find the shade of blue they use in their house and on their office doors for my bedroom. It's so perfect.
I think Sharlene at Crazy Monkey Ramblings knew the daughter of the couple killed in the flood. She emailed our twins group about it ... her husband works with the daughter.
It's very tragic.
Little boy/Big heart.
It shows how strongly he feels the love of others in his life.
My condolences to the family, what a sad tragedy.
Awwww -- that was a sweet comment. And so sorry for the tragic loss.
That's tragic but a special comment made from a twin who knows the power of being together.
Oh how sad! And Darren is just so sweet!
omg that is really so sad, I hate to hear of stories like that. what a sweet soul your son has!
What a sweet sentiment.
So odd that you go to church with someone who knew them as one of my friend's husband works with one of the daughters of this couple. Very small, sad world. :(
My son Jack has been obsessed lately with dying together. It seems to be his big fear - making sure we die together. How can he be thinking about such things at 4 1/2?
Darren is so right.
Cheryl- what a small world. I do know the daughter of the couple killed. She had to watch her parents be washed away while clinging for her own life. I can't even begin to imagine the kind of pain they are experiencing.
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