Double Daddy (this morning, reheating his coffee): "Hey, the microwave looks nice, Hon."
How can you not love a man that notices the little things?

Everyday -- typically multiple times a day -- our twins collectively or individually do something worthy of remembrance. is our intimate documentation of being simultaneously smitten, entertained, challenged and ultimately -- twice blessed.
wow! That IS a good man!!
Oh yeah - he's a keeper!
So you go to a chiropractor too?
I may start going.
That back cracking is starting to sound good.
That's sweet!
aw way to go double daddy!!!!
my dust is still hanging out!
Oh sorry....I must add MAJOR BONUS POINTS for HUSBAND.
yes indeedy.
Hey Laura--
You know the doctor I go to IS a medical doctor (with about a gazillion degrees) BUT, what he does to "adjust" me (and that's what he calls them, adjustments) seem VERY much like what I assume a chiropractor does. He is DREAMY (not in a sexual way, but in a true hippocratic oath kind of way). 'Twas he that expedited hubby's melanoma mole removal because "he didn't like the way it looked" while we were awaiting a dermatologist appointment months away at the time...he also can prescribe Rx.
Can I use him as a lure to get you teaching in Richmond? ;)
(And I am betting if your microwave made a single day radical transformation, your dear hubby would probably acknowledge it as well. We got us some good ones!)
awww, that is so sweet that he notices little things like that! what a great guy!
Isn't it lovely having your efforts recognized?
Ha! That is impressive that he noticed. The other day my husband broke down and actually CLEANED our microwave. It may have been because he made the mess and didn't want me to have to do it, though :-)
Aww, that was sweet of him to acknowledge your cleaning.
Good to hear your back is semi-pain-free! : )
Makes me want to have somebody adjust my back. And neck. And shoulders. And hips. Maybe I just need to go on a Medieval rack for a while and straighten everything out!
Once my husband noticed that I had cleaned the bathroom, but failed to notice my haircut.
I didn't know what to think about that...
It's nice when life lines up neatly in a row!
Congrats on a clean microwave AND a husband that noticed it was clean!! I always tell my hubby that if he doesn't start noticing what I do around here I am just going to stop doing it...he might notice then, huh?!?!?
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