Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Antibiotic Appreciation

Gratitude for the functionality of Keflex and her cousins clearly goes without saying.

The thankfulness angle too often under-expressed? The 24-hour window of courtesy quarantine to quell the contagion factor.

As a woman with an employer both sensitive and flexible, the gift to e-work from home upon these strep-ful situations is a truly blessing.

No one likes to see their little ones under the weather, but having a child embarking on their first few doses of antibiotics has a pronounced side effect of prolific parental productivity. Before noon...

-Have sent no less than 50 work-related emails 

-Have done a load of laundry, collecting a second now...

-Have done a few MadLibs (FYI: MadLibs' curative qualities for the 10-year-old boy population are under-publicized. Particularly soothing are the usage of nouns like "boob," "butt," and "poop." You're welcome.)

-Have rented and peripherally watched Scooby Doo-Pirates Ahoy!

-Have contacted Great Wolf Lodge requesting an expiration extension on a gift certificate. (They were very accommodating...)

-Have left messages with my man's clinical trial case coordinator

-Have eaten innumerable stale KrispyKremes (the way we prefer our original glazed) with illin' He-Twin

-Have loaded and am running the dishwasher

-Have contacted Capital One for a second VISA Venture card

...and just now, am pondering re-donning the sweatshirt and yoga pants I have on (FYI: I don't do yoga, just the pants) following what will be a mid-day shower.

For easing my sweet son's symptoms, and for facilitating all of the above, thank you, Cephalexin*.

*Your capsule adorned with "LUPIN"---one of He-Twin's favorite Harry Potter characters---was simply above and beyond thoughtful...

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Twinfatuation is one of FIVE finalists for About.com's Readers' Choice 2012 Favorite Blog about Parenting Twins! As they say at the Oscars, it's a huge honor and thrill to be nominated---and for Heaven's sakes, check out the company we're in! If you feel so led, throw a vote our way. Thank you!



Julia said...

"I don't do yoga, just the pants" Hahaha!

Love the reference to Lupin too! :)

Hope you're all right as rain again soon!

Kim said...

I'm stealing your line: I don't do yoga, just the pants. Ha! Perfect!

Terra said...

Oh Man, Isn't it amazing what can be accomplished while at home with a quiet child...I hope he is feeling better now!