Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Way Back When-esday - Acting Aspirations

Dateline: May 2008
Twins' Age: 6

In the spring of his kindergarten year, He-Twin was cast as a cloud in his elementary school musical, "Aladdin Jr."  Seems Princess Jasmine wasn't the only one exposed to "a whole new world."

He-Twin is now 14, and today, I am signing this...

My son pursuing his passion---and sharing his talent---makes my mid-week.

Did you realize Twinfatuation was the originating host of Way Back When-esday?

We've been looking back with love since 2007... so please join in, play along!

Dive into those digital files and share a photo find on your blog and/or on our the new Twinfatuation Facebook Community Page...and encourage fellow moms to do the same!  post signature


MandyE (Twin Trials and Triumphs) said...

I have to admit I didn't immediately get "cloud" from the pictures, but I'm sure he portrayed it well! :) :) Love the continuation of the acting bug!

Cheryl Lage said...

Hee hee! He looked more cloud-like with the ruffly collars they wore on stage. ;)

Think this may be the cleanest, whitest he's ever looked! :)